Username must be from 4 to 20 letters, numbers, underscores or hyphens

Email must be valid for you to modify your profile or access the forum

Password must be from 6 to 30 letters or numbers and different to the username

Remember that you must be at least 13 years old to play Regnum Online

Country is autodetected. If it's incorrect, contact http://www.championsofregnum.com/support
By clicking "Create Account" I accept that I have read the terms of use and privacy policy and I agree with them.

Copyright © 2002-2025 Nimble Giant Entertainment (NGD Studios AB). All rights reserved.
(Revised 26th Sep 2011)
CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM is a multiplayer online role-playing videogame or "MMORPG" (massively multiplayer online role-playing game) that NGD STUDIOS S.A. and NGD STUDIOS AB (hereinafter NGD STUDIOS) offers to the Internet users, together with other related services available in the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM website (www.championsofregnum.com).
The CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM game platform constitutes a virtual net of "client-server" architecture through the Internet, between the personal computer of each one of the users and the NGD STUDIOS servers. In this manner it offers the virtual environment required in order that multiple users share the same game simultaneously. To participate in the game the users must: (a) register and open a user account in the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM website (b) download the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM application from the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM website, (c) Install the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM client in the personal computer from which they desire to have access to the game, (d) connect using the client and through the Internet with the NGD STUDIOS servers.
However, it is necessary that, with anticipation to the participation in the game or the access to any service or contents of the website, the users read attentively and accept all the dispositions included in these Terms and Conditions.
1.- Acceptance by the users
These Terms and Conditions constitute a License Agreement of Use of CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM and the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM website, and as such constitute a legally binding instrument between the user and NGD STUDIOS. The same covers: (a) the downloading, installation and use of the software application or CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM CLIENT, (b) the connection, access and the use of the multiplayer CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM platform, (c) the access and use of the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM website, and all the services and contents, present or future, included therein.
In order to access to CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM and to certain services and contents existing in the website, user information may be required. Prior to entering any type of information related to your person, you must have knowledge on the dispositions with reference to the treatment of personal data by NGD STUDIOS, included in the Privacy Policy.
NGD STUDIOS may, at any moment and without the need of prior notice, modify these General Terms and Conditions. Said modifications will be operative as from their publication in the platform, the site or any other means of communication of CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM.
2.- Minimum required age. Legal capacity of the users.
CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM may only be used by the persons declaring that they are eighteen (18) years of age or older. Those who have not reached said age may only participate with the authorization and with the assistance of their parents, tutors or legal representatives, who will be considered responsible for all acts performed by the minors of which they are in charge.
When the law in force in the territory from which the user should have access determines full capacity at a different age, by general rule it is established that the persons that according to the legislation in force in the place of residence may validly declare their consent for the execution of contracts may use CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM.
3.- User registration
In order to access to CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM and to use great part of the offered services and contents, the prior registration of the user is required. The object of said registration is to establish the identity and contact information of the user.
Each time information is required for the registration of a user, it must be reliable, and it will be considered as affidavit. When the supplied information does not comply with the real circumstances of the person that provides it, it will be considered that the user has breached these Terms and Conditions, being responsible for all damages that may derive therefrom for NGD STUDIOS or any third party as consequence of said lack of truth or correctness.
Once registered, the user will have a username and access password that will authorize the access to his user account. The participation in CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM and/or the Site is exclusively personal for each user, therefore said person may only use his/hers username and password, and no other person may use it. The registered user will assume the obligations to keep and custody his/her username and password, and must immediately inform NGD STUDIOS should the same have lost their confidentiality condition, and/or in case it was used by a third party. In case the password should be forgotten or lost, NGD STUDIOS will reserve the right to request real identity verification of the requesting user, as requirement for the generation of a new password.
It will also be the responsibility of each user to keep the personal information stated in the registration updated as may be necessary, and must communicate each time changes in the relation thereto may take place.
NGD STUDIOS may reject any registration request, or cancel a previously accepted registration, without having to justify said decision, and this will not generate any right whatsoever for the user.
In all cases, and in agreement with the Privacy Policy maintained by CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM, the personal information supplied by the users will be treated and preserved adequately, protecting the privacy of the users.
Considering that CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM uses technological systems that under certain conditions may be fallible, the users must know that NGD STUDIOS does not guarantee absolute inviolability of its systems, therefore the users must take this circumstance into consideration at the moment of choosing to register.
4.- Notices and communications
To contact NGD STUDIOS, the users may send their communications to: community@ngdstudios.com
Notices and communications from NGD STUDIOS to the e-mail address declared by the user upon registration or the address that may arise from the sender will be considered effective and fully valid. The communications that may consist in notices and messages inserted in CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM, or which may be forwarded during an offered service with the objective to inform the users or visitors on a determined circumstance, will also be considered effective.
Additionally, NGD STUDIOS offers the users a support system through which they may send claims in the form of "tickets", entering in www.championsofregnum.com/support. NGD Studios will revise each case and try to find a solution to the claim as soon as possible and in the best way, without any fixed compromise with respect to time frames or guarantees of a solution to the claim that has been forwarded. The user will be responsible for the correct upload of his ticket in agreement with the instructions in force in the support system.
5.- Access to the online game platform
5.1. CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM game platform
The users that wish to participate in the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM game must register and open a user account in the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM website. Once the conformity of NGD STUDIOS has been obtained, by means of a confirmation e-mail sent to the mail address indicated in the registration, the user might enter CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM and open a user session.
The CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM software server is executed in one or more remote computers property of and operated by NGD STUDIOS. The user will have no access to CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM except through the client to be downloaded by the user. The client will be available under the terms specified in this agreement.
5.2 CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM software client
Once the user has started a session by means of his/her identification with the user name and a password, he/she will have the possibility to download the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM software client required in order to participate in the game. The download and use of the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM client will be subject to the following guidelines:
NGD STUDIOS awards the user a temporary, limited, non transferrable and non exclusive license, which authorizes him/her to download, install and execute the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM software client application in any computer for which it has been designed. The user can receive automatic updates from NGD STUDIOS. The updates are also protected by this agreement.
b) Rights and limitations
The user may not modify, decompile or manipulate the software, the communication protocols or the generated and transmitted information in any way whatsoever.
c) Warranty exclusion
NGD STUDIOS expressly waives the offer of any warranty for the software of the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM server or the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM software client. The software is provided as is, without warranty of any kind, not expressly stated or implicit, without any limitation.
The servers and equipment owned by NGD STUDIOS are adequate for the downloading of software and the maintenance of the multiplayer game sessions through the Internet. However, there exist other elements in the net belonging to electronic communications operators that are beyond the control of NGD STUDIOS, that influence on the provided service and, in particular, may have incidence on the possibility to establish a connection between the user and the NGD STUDIOS servers. In this sense, the user assumes and accepts that NGD STUDIOS will have no responsibility whatsoever when the connection may not be established due to causes that may be attributed to the net or to third party elements.
d) Personal use
The commercial use of CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM software is prohibited. The user may only use the software for his/her own entertainment. The user agrees that he/she is the only responsible for the use of the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM software through his user name and password.
e) Term and Termination
All licenses determined herein in relationship to the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM software client will be in force as from the moment the user has accepted the present Terms and Conditions, and will remain in force until its termination. The user may terminate the awarded licenses in any moment, uninstalling and destroying all client copies of the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM software. In the supposed case of non compliance with the dispositions determined herein, NGD STUDIOS may revoke all awarded licenses immediately and without any prior notice.
f) Minimum requirements
For the adequate functioning the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM software client it is required that the users have equipment with certain software and hardware characteristics:
Windows XP Operating System Service Pack 2 or superior
1 GB of available RAM memory
Athlon X2 Processor or superior (AMD) or Intel Core 2 Duo or superior (Intel)
Internet connection of 256 Kpbs or superior
2GB free space on the hard disk
Video card GeForce3 or superior (Nvidia)/Radeon 9800 or superior (AMD).
The user acknowledges and accepts that the online games and the necessary system specifications for the use of this type of games may evolve in the course of time. In consequence, NGD reserves the right to modify and/or increase the necessary system specifications to play CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM in any moment without prior notice.
The user will be the only responsible for the configuration of the technical requirements that may be needed for the use of CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM in his/her personal computer as well as the maintenance thereof.
6. CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM access to the services and contents of the site
The CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM website is an Internet site constituted by multiple services, contents and communication resources between users, such as:
Information and news: NGD STUDIOS offers the Internet users different reports and news related to CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM. This news may be generated by NGD STUDIOS, or may correspond to sources outside NGD STUDIOS.
Discussion forums: within the Site the users may have access and participate in forums on different subjects. The users that place a post in any existing forum in the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM website must comply with the regulations corresponding to the forums.
Blog: NGD STUDIOS publishes a blog with information and news related to CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM available to the users.
Gallery: the Site has an image and video gallery accessible to the users.
The services and contents offered by NGD STUDIOS are subject to modification, suppression and/or replacement in any moment by NGD STUDIOS. In consequence, the number, type, quality, access conditions and use of the services and/or contents that are offered may vary in the course of time, without requiring any notice whatsoever to the users.
7. Availability of the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM game platform and website.
NGD STUDIOS will not be responsible for the damages caused to the user, for the delays, errors or deficiencies in data transmission or during downloading, for the non availability of the platform, as well as faults or interruptions that may be produced in the communication or the alteration, destruction or losses of data the user might experience.
NGD STUDIOS declares that the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM game platform and the website have the required technology for the access and/ or use of the services incorporated therein. However, NGD STUDIOS does not guarantee the user the continuous and permanent access thereto as NGD STUDIOS may interrupt the access to the game and website to modify or technically improve them and/or due to any other circumstance. In consequence, it will not be responsible towards the user for the damage that may be caused as consequence of said interruption or the realization of modifications or technical improvements. In this sense, the acceptance of the present Terms and Conditions by the user implies the acceptance of the non permanent availability of the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM game and/or CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM website.
8. Free Services and Premium Services
CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM has a great number of contents and services. Many of them are freely accessible to the users; the free accessibility implies that these contents and services are free of charge, and are not subject to the payment of any fee or retribution.
The services and contents of free access coexist with other services and contents of reserved use and access for a certain category of users called "Premium". The users that belong to the "Premium" category have purchased credits in virtual currency called "Ximerin" by means of the procedure described as follows.
8.1 Premium Services Regulations
a) NGD STUDIOS offers determined services or features available on CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM and its use is subject to the prior payment of determined charges, ("Premium Services"). These Premium Services may consist, at the discretion of NGD STUDIOS of features for the development of the game in benefit of the user and in determined improvements or updates of the characters with reference to their capacities and/ or equipment, including, but this list is in no way limitative, experience bonuses, health potions, mana potions, repair tools, war shields, armor colorings, hairdos, hair coloring, teletransportation points, and extra characters.
b) The Premium Services offered by NGD STUDIOS may be used or purchased by means of an exchange for credits. The credits within CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM receive the name of XIMERIN, and constitute the Premium currency unit of the game.
c) Each Premium Service has a determined value fixed in XIMERIN. The users may purchase XIMERIN by means of different forms of payment in force made available by NGD STUDIOS listed as follows:
i. PayPal
ii. SMS Messages
Any means of payment incorporated by NGD Studios in the future will be ruled by these regulations. However, these regulations may be modified without prior notice if the specifications of new means of payment should require it or if changes should arise in the present means of payment.
The credit of XIMERIN will be effective once the transaction has been approved by the payment platform used by the User, and said circumstance has been communicated to NGD STUDIOS.
The election of the means of payment is exclusive authority of the User. NGD STUDIOS has no control, knowledge, nor any other kind of interference on the manner in which the operators of the above mentioned means of payment may perform. The User acknowledges and accepts that the use of any of the above mentioned means of payment is by his/her exclusive account and risk, and in all cases must comply with the policies of use, regulations or agreements, under which the User may be committed in relation to the use of said means of payment. NGD STUDIOS will not be responsible for any circumstance related to the activities of the means of payment operators, among others and without constituting any limitation, payment rejections, account closures or limitations, error on the amount of debited charges, errors derived from failures of the systems of the operators, lack of credit of the balances in the account of NGD STUDIOS, etc. Likewise, the User acknowledges that his/ her obligation to pay for the purchased XIMERIN, will not be extinguished until the corresponding funds are positively credited in the NGD STUDIOS account. NGD STUDIOS reserves the right to indicate determined purchase conditions depending on the means of payment used by the User.
d) When the used means of payment offers the possibility to perform the cancellation of a transaction after it has been performed, the User must know that it will be considered abusive and that the cancellation that may take place may constitute crime when the User:
i. Should willfully disregard having requested and purchased the Premium Services, and/or
ii. May have knowingly used the Premium service or functionality in whole or in part, and/ or
iii. Should falsely claim error or confusion, and/or
iv. Should claim the impossibility of use of the service due to circumstances beyond NGD STUDIOS, or of derivations of a fortuitous case or force majeure.
In the above mentioned suppositions NGD STUDIOS reserves the right to file the corresponding legal actions.
e) The prices to be applied to XIMERIN are published in the site www.championsofregnum.com, depending on the selected means of payment, and include the VAT and any other applicable taxes. NGD STUDIOS may modify or eliminate Premium Services or add new Premium Services. The XIMERIN prices as well as the number of XIMERIN necessary to purchase the Premium Services available in the game will be in force as long as they are published in CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM. NGD STUDIOS may modify any information related to the Premium Services, including the information related to their own services, prices, inventories and conditions, in any moment and without prior notice, until the moment of receiving a purchase confirmation that will bind NGD STUDIOS, subject to the transaction approval conditions.
f) After the acquisition of XIMERIN the purchased amount will be credited in the account of the User, and he/she will be able to access and purchase different PREMIUM SERVICES by means of the exchange of his/her XIMERIN. Each time a Premium Service is purchased, the corresponding XIMERIN will be deducted from the account of the User, in agreement with the quantity of XIMERIN required for each Premium Service in particular. Once the User that may pretend access to some other Premium Service runs out of XIMERIN he/she must make a new XIMERIN purchase.
g) The CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM XIMERIN may not be reimbursed or exchanged for legal tender money. NGD STUDIOS simply offers XIMERIN as credits that may only be used within CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM in order to access to determined services. The accumulated XIMERIN have no monetary value whatsoever and will be valid as long as the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM account of the User is active. Once a User account is closed for any reason, including the decision by CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM, the XIMERIN accumulated therein will expire.
h) The Premium Services form inseparable part of CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM and their only possible object is the use within the game. For their own nature the Premium Services expire with their use, implying that they cannot be returned.
i) Purchase of XIMERIN by means of Paypal.
The Users that have a PayPal account that allows them to make purchases using the payment services they offer can pay the amount for the number of XIMERIN they wish to purchase by means of this payment system. In that case all incidences related to the use of the services provided by PayPal, such as the processing of payments; the forwarding of payments; commissions; limitations; and conditions of use of the system, will be ruled according to the agreement between the User and Paypal.
j) Purchase of XIMERIN by means of SMS The payment system by means of SMS implemented in CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM is offered through the ATLAS Interactive Deutschland GmbH platform, an independent company from NGD STUDIOS.
i. NGD STUDIOS is not responsible for any XIMERIN purchase requested by text messages (SMS) that do not contain the requested data or that contain erroneous data nor for the text messages that do not include the key words determined for the purchase of XIMERIN. Not responsible either for the applications or messages not accepted by the technological platform of the mobile telephone operator, nor for delays of text messages that have been sent, the transmission of the transaction to NGD STUDIOS, or any other sent message related to the purchase of XIMERIN, due to any cause not imputable to NGD STUDIOS, including, but without limitation to: rejection of the transactions, lack of reception of the text messages, delay in the operation or transmission, net connectivity failures, composition errors of the text messages, inadequate or fraudulent manipulation of the mobile phone terminals or telecommunication elements of the users, excess or saturation of traffic in the net, and/or any characteristic of the mobile phones that hinder the transmission of said messages or applications. And, NGD STUDIOS will not be responsible for the failures, delays and/or inconveniences that may be produced in relations to the transference of balances.
ii. The responsibility and obligation of payment for the sending of text messages related to the purchase of XIMERIN will be responsibility of the titular of the mobile number used for that end, who cannot oppose the loss, theft, robbery, if said mobile device should be lost or damaged, except in case of complaint prior to sending or receiving these messages, filed to the mobile phone operator through the customer service centers they may have.
iii. The purchase possibility of XIMERIN in the prepaid mobile phone plans will be conditioned to the existing balance or credit in the line number of the User.
iv. The User acknowledges and accepts that the technical, commercial or economic modifications or variations communicated by the different mobile phone operators, as well as the modification of the regulations that may affect the payment services through SMS, will have immediate application and will not imply any responsibility for NGD STUDIOS.
k) Any fraudulent action related to the accumulation of XIMERIN or their exchange, will result in the loss of the accumulated XIMERIN, as well as the cancellation of the Account of the User at CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM.
l) The purchase of XIMERIN implies the knowledge and acceptance by the Users of all the terms determined in this Regulation and the Terms and Conditions of CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM.
9. Responsibilities, rights of management and control over the services and contents.
9.1 Reserved rights
NGD STUDIOS reserves all rights of control and management of CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM, in particular of the services, contents and communications within. In consequence, it may introduce the changes and modifications it may deem convenient at its sole discretion, it may add, alter, substitute or cancel any one of the services or contents at any moment.
Each user, or depending on the case, the parent or tutor, will be exclusively responsible for the manifestations or actions performed within the frame of CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM. However, when NGD STUDIOS receives a complaint that may indicate that a user may have any unjustified limitation of his/ her rights, it will take the required measure to avoid the continuation of said damaging situation immediately after the confirmation of the complaint.
9.2 Exclusion of guarantees and responsibility for the services and contents
The CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM services are offered only as entertainment. NGD STUDIOS does not assume responsibility for any consequence that may result directly or indirectly from any action or lack of action the User may undertake on the basis of the information, the services or other elements that appear in CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM. NGD STUDIOS EXCLUDES, WITH THE COMPLETE EXTENSION DETERMINED BY THE JUDICIAL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS, ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE DAMAGES OF ANY NATURE THAT MAY BE DUE TO THE TRANSMISSION, DISCLOSURE, STORAGE, AVAILABILITY, RECEPTION, OBTENTION OR ACCESS TO THE SERVICES AND CONTENTS EXISTING IN CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM.
9.3 Responsibilities related to the download of software client:
NGD STUDIOS does not give any guarantee on the software client downloaded from the website. NGD STUDIOS does not guarantee that the files downloaded from the site are free of errors, defects, and/or that the system executes efficiently in combinations of hardware, operative system and software different from the ones pointed out or which the user may select to use; and/or that they are fully functional, and/or that the files do not alter the system.
NGD STUDIOS is not responsible for the losses or damages suffered by the user that may be or are the result of the installation of the files downloaded from the site by the user including the loss or alteration of data.
The User accepts that he/she is the only responsible for: a) the configuration and requirements of the destination systems; b) the selection of the system, the software and hardware; c) the use of the system; d) the damage the use of the files downloaded from NGD STUDIOS may cause to the user or third parties; e) the indemnity of the information systems of the user that may have installed such files.
10. Use of the services and contents offered by CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM
The users must use the services existing in CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM in agreement with the dispositions determined in these General Terms and Conditions; with the ones that may arise from the regulations of each service in case it should exist; with the judicial regulations that rule CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM and to which they are submitted according to the place, the persons, or the corresponding matter, as a whole; and according to the conduct guidelines imposed by morals and good habits.
10.1 FORBIDDEN USE of services or contents in general
Any use of the services with the object to: contravene the rules and operation mode determined by NGD STUDIOS; harm the rights of third parties; contravene the judicial order and constitute an offensive practice; will be considered as FORBIDEN USE of the services or contents, if there is transgression of the final objective for which they are placed at the disposal of the users.
Any action listed herein will be considered FORBIDDEN USE:
• With the object to hamper the security or normal functioning of the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM or any third party information systems. Either by means of the use of traps, automation software (bots), hacks, non-authorized mods or any other third party software destined to modify the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM experience, or the use of any possible code error (bugs), including, without limitation, those that contribute to the prosperity of the user in a manner not anticipated by NGD STUDIOS (exploits).
• Take advantage of errors in the code or system in general and/or the resistance to inform them with the object to attain benefit thereby.
• Exploit the software or any of its parts with commercial objectives, including, without limitation to (a) to obtain the Premium game currency (Ximerin), elements or resources for sale outside the game, or (b) the realization of services in the game, for example, power – leveling, in exchange for a payment outside the game.
• Tends to modify or make others modify the files that form part of the software of the client or the server in any manner not expressly authorized by NGD STUDIOS.
• Facilitate, create or maintain any non authorized connection to CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM, including, without limitation (a) any connection to any server that emulates or intends to emulate CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM in a non authorized manner, and (b) any connection using programs or tools that are not expressly authorized by NGD Studios.
• Damages or contribute to the damage of any equipment used to lodge CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM (each one, a "server"), or affect the game experience of any other player.
10.2 CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM communication devices
The CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM communication devices (for example, message board, forums, in-game chat, community areas, clan pages) are services offered to the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM members. When using any of the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM communication devices the user accepts that they will be linked to the NGD STUDIOS Privacy Policy, as well as to this agreement. The user understands that everything sent through the NGD STUDIOS communication devices and everything stated therein is under the exclusive responsibility of the persons that send the messages. This means that the user, and not NGD STUDIOS, is entirely responsible for all the information and material that he/she has transmitted. NGD STUDIOS does not control the contents of the messages sent by the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM communication devices and does not guarantee the exactness, integrity and quality of something therein. The user understands that, when using the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM communication devices he/she may be exposed to offensive, indecent or objectable contents. NGD STUDIOS will not be responsible under any circumstances for errors or omissions in the messages sent or for any loss or damages of any kind incurred as result of the use of any information contained in the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM communication devices.
Among others, the following will be considered as FORBIDDEN USE: the presentation, disclosure and reproduction of information, expressions, messages, links to web pages, that:
• Result offensive for the personal rights of individuals, with special reference to the right to honor, dignity, intimacy, not being object of discriminatory treatment, health, image and free expression of ideas; with absolute independence of the legal body where said rights acquire acknowledgement.
• Attempt against minority and childhood rights.
• Infringe intellectual property rights of third parties.
• Have inappropriate contents.
• Transmit the idea of representing any person or institution, including, without limitation, a member of the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM team or administrator, guide or host or falsely declare or mislead his/her affiliation with a person or institution.
• Use a CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM communication device in a manner that negatively affects the availability of the resources for the users (for example, the excess of screams [the use of capital letters], flooding, continuous publication of repetitive text or excessively large embedded images;
• Introduce, instigate or promote criminal, illicit, dysfunctional or morally objectable actions, or constitute a violation of the intellectual property rights of third persons.
• Incorporate any form of advertising or commercial objective not allowed by NGD STUDIOS.
• With the object to collect information on third parties in order to send advertising or propaganda of any type or species, without being expressly requested.
• Promote activities or attitudes that are counterproductive for the objective of the game.
10.3 Control measures
Without prejudice of the legal actions filed by NGD STUDIOS or third parties, when the use of the services, performed by a user may be considered FORBIDDEN USE, NGD STUDIOS will take the measures it may consider convenient according to its exclusive criteria, including the suspension or prohibition of the access to the services or contents to those users included in the forbidden use thereof, and without requiring any prior communication whatsoever.
11. Dispositions on Intellectual Property
11.1 Ownership of the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM material
As general rule the ownership of all the material existing in CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM and in the website corresponds to NGD STUDIOS. All titles, intellectual property rights in and for CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM and the website and the contents they incorporate (including, without limitation, any title, computer code, themes, objects, characters, names, titles, trademarks, designations, stories, dialogues, phrases, places, concepts, artwork, inventories of the characters, structural or landscaping designs, animations, graphics, scenographies, sounds, musical compositions and audio recordings, visual effects, arguments, aspect of the characters, operation methods, the particular presentation form of these elements, and all related documentation) are property or license of NGD STUDIOS.
As information, it is to be known, that the intellectual property rights of NGD STUDIOS are internationally safeguarded under the protection of the Bern Convention; the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) on author rights, and other coincidental dispositions; the Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs); that as a compound ensure the international full force of the NGD STUDIOS rights.
11.2 License in favor of the users
The terms of the license with reference to the download, installation and use of the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM software client are specified in point 7.2 of this document. With respect to the contents and services included in the website, the users will have authorization to access and use of these elements, when the objectives of said use are those specifically foreseen in the site and in this document.
NGD STUDIOS reserves all rights on the mentioned material, does not assign or transfer in favor of the users any right on its own intellectual property or the intellectual property belonging to third parties. In consequence, the reproduction, exhibition, distribution and/or modification must be expressly authorized by NGD STUDIOS, which on the contrary, will be considered illegal activity in violation of the intellectual property rights of NGD STUDIOS.
11.3 Licensing of user rights in favor of NGD STUDIOS
The user awards NGD STUDIOS a non exclusive license on the contents, messages, or works he/she may incorporate to the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM website. The intellectual property ownership rights licensed by the user will comprise the use by NGD STUDIOS of the contents in any format or support and by any existing system, procedure or modality, known or not at this time, for the term the user continues being an active user of CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM, including the following rights:
a) The disclosure and publication, understanding thereby the right to make the contents or work accessible or placed at disposal of the public for the first time.
b) The public communication, understanding thereby all act that in any support or format and by any system or procedure whatsoever allows that a plurality of persons may have access to the contents fixed on CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM, demanding or not the payment of a price, or by means of any other free or conditional access system.
c) The secondary exploitations of any kind and the incorporation of the contents in the works, including those that have mainly advertising objectives.
12. Procedure in case of the realization of allegedly illegal activities
In case any User or the person that may have a legitimate interest should consider there exist facts or circumstances that reveal the illegal character of the use of any contents and/or the realization of any activity in the web pages included in or accessible through CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM, and, in particular, of the violation of intellectual or industrial property rights (patents, industrial models and designs, trademarks and commercial names, etc.) or other rights, must send a notice to NGD STUDIOS with the following information:
a) Personal data: name, address, telephone number and e-mail address of the claimant;
b) Specification of the supposed illegal activity performed in CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM and, in particular, in case of a supposed violation of the rights, precise and concrete indication of the protected contents as well as their localization;
c) Facts or circumstances that reveal the illegal character of said activity;
d) In the supposed violation of rights, the personal data of the owner of the supposedly infringed rights or of the person authorized to act in the name and on behalf thereof;
e) Express, clear declaration and under responsibility of the claimant that the forwarded information in the notice is exact and the illegal character of the use of the contents or the realization of the above described activities.
For the use of some of the Services, the Users must supply certain required personal data (hereinafter "Personal Data"). NGD STUDIOS will treat Personal Data by means of automatic methods, with the objectives as well as under the conditions defined in the Privacy Policy published by NGD STUDIOS. NGD STUDIOS has adopted the legally required personal data protection safety levels. However, the User must know that the safety measures in the Internet are in no case absolutely perfect.
14. Termination of the service
In principle, the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM services have indefinite duration.
In any moment the User may cancel his/her registration in CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM, and eliminate his/her user account with all the data associated thereto. NGD STUDIOS will discard all data related to the User, will close his/her profile and eliminate all registration related thereto. However, as there is certain information or material that the User may have shared with other users, it is possible that some determined data and/or material and/or contents contributed by the User are maintained even when the User has cancelled his/her CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM account.
NGD STUDIOS may, however, at its sole discretion, temporarily suspend or definitely deactivate the account of a user, without any prior notice to him/her, and without need to invoke any cause, proceeding in said case to the elimination of all information related to the account.
15. Applicable legislation and jurisdiction
To all legal effects related to the services and contents offered or that may be offered in the site, the legislation in force in the Republic of Argentina will be applicable, and the ordinary justice with jurisdiction in the City of Buenos Aires will be competent.
© Estudio Jurídico Lexar for NGD STUDIOS S.A. all rights reserved, reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited.
(Revised 26th Sep 2011)
CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM is a multiplayer online role-playing videogame or "MMORPG" (massively multiplayer online role-playing game) that NGD STUDIOS S.A. and NGD STUDIOS AB (hereinafter NGD STUDIOS) offers to the Internet users, together with other related services available in the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM website (www.championsofregnum.com).
The CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM game platform constitutes a virtual net of "client-server" architecture through the Internet, between the personal computer of each one of the users and the NGD STUDIOS servers. In this manner it offers the virtual environment required in order that multiple users share the same game simultaneously. To participate in the game the users must: (a) register and open a user account in the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM website (b) download the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM application from the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM website, (c) Install the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM client in the personal computer from which they desire to have access to the game, (d) connect using the client and through the Internet with the NGD STUDIOS servers.
However, it is necessary that, with anticipation to the participation in the game or the access to any service or contents of the website, the users read attentively and accept all the dispositions included in these Terms and Conditions.
1.- Acceptance by the users
These Terms and Conditions constitute a License Agreement of Use of CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM and the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM website, and as such constitute a legally binding instrument between the user and NGD STUDIOS. The same covers: (a) the downloading, installation and use of the software application or CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM CLIENT, (b) the connection, access and the use of the multiplayer CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM platform, (c) the access and use of the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM website, and all the services and contents, present or future, included therein.
In order to access to CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM and to certain services and contents existing in the website, user information may be required. Prior to entering any type of information related to your person, you must have knowledge on the dispositions with reference to the treatment of personal data by NGD STUDIOS, included in the Privacy Policy.
NGD STUDIOS may, at any moment and without the need of prior notice, modify these General Terms and Conditions. Said modifications will be operative as from their publication in the platform, the site or any other means of communication of CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM.
2.- Minimum required age. Legal capacity of the users.
CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM may only be used by the persons declaring that they are eighteen (18) years of age or older. Those who have not reached said age may only participate with the authorization and with the assistance of their parents, tutors or legal representatives, who will be considered responsible for all acts performed by the minors of which they are in charge.
When the law in force in the territory from which the user should have access determines full capacity at a different age, by general rule it is established that the persons that according to the legislation in force in the place of residence may validly declare their consent for the execution of contracts may use CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM.
3.- User registration
In order to access to CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM and to use great part of the offered services and contents, the prior registration of the user is required. The object of said registration is to establish the identity and contact information of the user.
Each time information is required for the registration of a user, it must be reliable, and it will be considered as affidavit. When the supplied information does not comply with the real circumstances of the person that provides it, it will be considered that the user has breached these Terms and Conditions, being responsible for all damages that may derive therefrom for NGD STUDIOS or any third party as consequence of said lack of truth or correctness.
Once registered, the user will have a username and access password that will authorize the access to his user account. The participation in CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM and/or the Site is exclusively personal for each user, therefore said person may only use his/hers username and password, and no other person may use it. The registered user will assume the obligations to keep and custody his/her username and password, and must immediately inform NGD STUDIOS should the same have lost their confidentiality condition, and/or in case it was used by a third party. In case the password should be forgotten or lost, NGD STUDIOS will reserve the right to request real identity verification of the requesting user, as requirement for the generation of a new password.
It will also be the responsibility of each user to keep the personal information stated in the registration updated as may be necessary, and must communicate each time changes in the relation thereto may take place.
NGD STUDIOS may reject any registration request, or cancel a previously accepted registration, without having to justify said decision, and this will not generate any right whatsoever for the user.
In all cases, and in agreement with the Privacy Policy maintained by CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM, the personal information supplied by the users will be treated and preserved adequately, protecting the privacy of the users.
Considering that CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM uses technological systems that under certain conditions may be fallible, the users must know that NGD STUDIOS does not guarantee absolute inviolability of its systems, therefore the users must take this circumstance into consideration at the moment of choosing to register.
4.- Notices and communications
To contact NGD STUDIOS, the users may send their communications to: community@ngdstudios.com
Notices and communications from NGD STUDIOS to the e-mail address declared by the user upon registration or the address that may arise from the sender will be considered effective and fully valid. The communications that may consist in notices and messages inserted in CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM, or which may be forwarded during an offered service with the objective to inform the users or visitors on a determined circumstance, will also be considered effective.
Additionally, NGD STUDIOS offers the users a support system through which they may send claims in the form of "tickets", entering in www.championsofregnum.com/support. NGD Studios will revise each case and try to find a solution to the claim as soon as possible and in the best way, without any fixed compromise with respect to time frames or guarantees of a solution to the claim that has been forwarded. The user will be responsible for the correct upload of his ticket in agreement with the instructions in force in the support system.
5.- Access to the online game platform
5.1. CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM game platform
The users that wish to participate in the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM game must register and open a user account in the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM website. Once the conformity of NGD STUDIOS has been obtained, by means of a confirmation e-mail sent to the mail address indicated in the registration, the user might enter CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM and open a user session.
The CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM software server is executed in one or more remote computers property of and operated by NGD STUDIOS. The user will have no access to CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM except through the client to be downloaded by the user. The client will be available under the terms specified in this agreement.
5.2 CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM software client
Once the user has started a session by means of his/her identification with the user name and a password, he/she will have the possibility to download the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM software client required in order to participate in the game. The download and use of the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM client will be subject to the following guidelines:
NGD STUDIOS awards the user a temporary, limited, non transferrable and non exclusive license, which authorizes him/her to download, install and execute the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM software client application in any computer for which it has been designed. The user can receive automatic updates from NGD STUDIOS. The updates are also protected by this agreement.
b) Rights and limitations
The user may not modify, decompile or manipulate the software, the communication protocols or the generated and transmitted information in any way whatsoever.
c) Warranty exclusion
NGD STUDIOS expressly waives the offer of any warranty for the software of the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM server or the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM software client. The software is provided as is, without warranty of any kind, not expressly stated or implicit, without any limitation.
The servers and equipment owned by NGD STUDIOS are adequate for the downloading of software and the maintenance of the multiplayer game sessions through the Internet. However, there exist other elements in the net belonging to electronic communications operators that are beyond the control of NGD STUDIOS, that influence on the provided service and, in particular, may have incidence on the possibility to establish a connection between the user and the NGD STUDIOS servers. In this sense, the user assumes and accepts that NGD STUDIOS will have no responsibility whatsoever when the connection may not be established due to causes that may be attributed to the net or to third party elements.
d) Personal use
The commercial use of CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM software is prohibited. The user may only use the software for his/her own entertainment. The user agrees that he/she is the only responsible for the use of the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM software through his user name and password.
e) Term and Termination
All licenses determined herein in relationship to the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM software client will be in force as from the moment the user has accepted the present Terms and Conditions, and will remain in force until its termination. The user may terminate the awarded licenses in any moment, uninstalling and destroying all client copies of the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM software. In the supposed case of non compliance with the dispositions determined herein, NGD STUDIOS may revoke all awarded licenses immediately and without any prior notice.
f) Minimum requirements
For the adequate functioning the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM software client it is required that the users have equipment with certain software and hardware characteristics:
Windows XP Operating System Service Pack 2 or superior
1 GB of available RAM memory
Athlon X2 Processor or superior (AMD) or Intel Core 2 Duo or superior (Intel)
Internet connection of 256 Kpbs or superior
2GB free space on the hard disk
Video card GeForce3 or superior (Nvidia)/Radeon 9800 or superior (AMD).
The user acknowledges and accepts that the online games and the necessary system specifications for the use of this type of games may evolve in the course of time. In consequence, NGD reserves the right to modify and/or increase the necessary system specifications to play CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM in any moment without prior notice.
The user will be the only responsible for the configuration of the technical requirements that may be needed for the use of CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM in his/her personal computer as well as the maintenance thereof.
6. CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM access to the services and contents of the site
The CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM website is an Internet site constituted by multiple services, contents and communication resources between users, such as:
Information and news: NGD STUDIOS offers the Internet users different reports and news related to CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM. This news may be generated by NGD STUDIOS, or may correspond to sources outside NGD STUDIOS.
Discussion forums: within the Site the users may have access and participate in forums on different subjects. The users that place a post in any existing forum in the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM website must comply with the regulations corresponding to the forums.
Blog: NGD STUDIOS publishes a blog with information and news related to CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM available to the users.
Gallery: the Site has an image and video gallery accessible to the users.
The services and contents offered by NGD STUDIOS are subject to modification, suppression and/or replacement in any moment by NGD STUDIOS. In consequence, the number, type, quality, access conditions and use of the services and/or contents that are offered may vary in the course of time, without requiring any notice whatsoever to the users.
7. Availability of the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM game platform and website.
NGD STUDIOS will not be responsible for the damages caused to the user, for the delays, errors or deficiencies in data transmission or during downloading, for the non availability of the platform, as well as faults or interruptions that may be produced in the communication or the alteration, destruction or losses of data the user might experience.
NGD STUDIOS declares that the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM game platform and the website have the required technology for the access and/ or use of the services incorporated therein. However, NGD STUDIOS does not guarantee the user the continuous and permanent access thereto as NGD STUDIOS may interrupt the access to the game and website to modify or technically improve them and/or due to any other circumstance. In consequence, it will not be responsible towards the user for the damage that may be caused as consequence of said interruption or the realization of modifications or technical improvements. In this sense, the acceptance of the present Terms and Conditions by the user implies the acceptance of the non permanent availability of the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM game and/or CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM website.
8. Free Services and Premium Services
CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM has a great number of contents and services. Many of them are freely accessible to the users; the free accessibility implies that these contents and services are free of charge, and are not subject to the payment of any fee or retribution.
The services and contents of free access coexist with other services and contents of reserved use and access for a certain category of users called "Premium". The users that belong to the "Premium" category have purchased credits in virtual currency called "Ximerin" by means of the procedure described as follows.
8.1 Premium Services Regulations
a) NGD STUDIOS offers determined services or features available on CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM and its use is subject to the prior payment of determined charges, ("Premium Services"). These Premium Services may consist, at the discretion of NGD STUDIOS of features for the development of the game in benefit of the user and in determined improvements or updates of the characters with reference to their capacities and/ or equipment, including, but this list is in no way limitative, experience bonuses, health potions, mana potions, repair tools, war shields, armor colorings, hairdos, hair coloring, teletransportation points, and extra characters.
b) The Premium Services offered by NGD STUDIOS may be used or purchased by means of an exchange for credits. The credits within CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM receive the name of XIMERIN, and constitute the Premium currency unit of the game.
c) Each Premium Service has a determined value fixed in XIMERIN. The users may purchase XIMERIN by means of different forms of payment in force made available by NGD STUDIOS listed as follows:
i. PayPal
ii. SMS Messages
Any means of payment incorporated by NGD Studios in the future will be ruled by these regulations. However, these regulations may be modified without prior notice if the specifications of new means of payment should require it or if changes should arise in the present means of payment.
The credit of XIMERIN will be effective once the transaction has been approved by the payment platform used by the User, and said circumstance has been communicated to NGD STUDIOS.
The election of the means of payment is exclusive authority of the User. NGD STUDIOS has no control, knowledge, nor any other kind of interference on the manner in which the operators of the above mentioned means of payment may perform. The User acknowledges and accepts that the use of any of the above mentioned means of payment is by his/her exclusive account and risk, and in all cases must comply with the policies of use, regulations or agreements, under which the User may be committed in relation to the use of said means of payment. NGD STUDIOS will not be responsible for any circumstance related to the activities of the means of payment operators, among others and without constituting any limitation, payment rejections, account closures or limitations, error on the amount of debited charges, errors derived from failures of the systems of the operators, lack of credit of the balances in the account of NGD STUDIOS, etc. Likewise, the User acknowledges that his/ her obligation to pay for the purchased XIMERIN, will not be extinguished until the corresponding funds are positively credited in the NGD STUDIOS account. NGD STUDIOS reserves the right to indicate determined purchase conditions depending on the means of payment used by the User.
d) When the used means of payment offers the possibility to perform the cancellation of a transaction after it has been performed, the User must know that it will be considered abusive and that the cancellation that may take place may constitute crime when the User:
i. Should willfully disregard having requested and purchased the Premium Services, and/or
ii. May have knowingly used the Premium service or functionality in whole or in part, and/ or
iii. Should falsely claim error or confusion, and/or
iv. Should claim the impossibility of use of the service due to circumstances beyond NGD STUDIOS, or of derivations of a fortuitous case or force majeure.
In the above mentioned suppositions NGD STUDIOS reserves the right to file the corresponding legal actions.
e) The prices to be applied to XIMERIN are published in the site www.championsofregnum.com, depending on the selected means of payment, and include the VAT and any other applicable taxes. NGD STUDIOS may modify or eliminate Premium Services or add new Premium Services. The XIMERIN prices as well as the number of XIMERIN necessary to purchase the Premium Services available in the game will be in force as long as they are published in CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM. NGD STUDIOS may modify any information related to the Premium Services, including the information related to their own services, prices, inventories and conditions, in any moment and without prior notice, until the moment of receiving a purchase confirmation that will bind NGD STUDIOS, subject to the transaction approval conditions.
f) After the acquisition of XIMERIN the purchased amount will be credited in the account of the User, and he/she will be able to access and purchase different PREMIUM SERVICES by means of the exchange of his/her XIMERIN. Each time a Premium Service is purchased, the corresponding XIMERIN will be deducted from the account of the User, in agreement with the quantity of XIMERIN required for each Premium Service in particular. Once the User that may pretend access to some other Premium Service runs out of XIMERIN he/she must make a new XIMERIN purchase.
g) The CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM XIMERIN may not be reimbursed or exchanged for legal tender money. NGD STUDIOS simply offers XIMERIN as credits that may only be used within CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM in order to access to determined services. The accumulated XIMERIN have no monetary value whatsoever and will be valid as long as the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM account of the User is active. Once a User account is closed for any reason, including the decision by CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM, the XIMERIN accumulated therein will expire.
h) The Premium Services form inseparable part of CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM and their only possible object is the use within the game. For their own nature the Premium Services expire with their use, implying that they cannot be returned.
i) Purchase of XIMERIN by means of Paypal.
The Users that have a PayPal account that allows them to make purchases using the payment services they offer can pay the amount for the number of XIMERIN they wish to purchase by means of this payment system. In that case all incidences related to the use of the services provided by PayPal, such as the processing of payments; the forwarding of payments; commissions; limitations; and conditions of use of the system, will be ruled according to the agreement between the User and Paypal.
j) Purchase of XIMERIN by means of SMS The payment system by means of SMS implemented in CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM is offered through the ATLAS Interactive Deutschland GmbH platform, an independent company from NGD STUDIOS.
i. NGD STUDIOS is not responsible for any XIMERIN purchase requested by text messages (SMS) that do not contain the requested data or that contain erroneous data nor for the text messages that do not include the key words determined for the purchase of XIMERIN. Not responsible either for the applications or messages not accepted by the technological platform of the mobile telephone operator, nor for delays of text messages that have been sent, the transmission of the transaction to NGD STUDIOS, or any other sent message related to the purchase of XIMERIN, due to any cause not imputable to NGD STUDIOS, including, but without limitation to: rejection of the transactions, lack of reception of the text messages, delay in the operation or transmission, net connectivity failures, composition errors of the text messages, inadequate or fraudulent manipulation of the mobile phone terminals or telecommunication elements of the users, excess or saturation of traffic in the net, and/or any characteristic of the mobile phones that hinder the transmission of said messages or applications. And, NGD STUDIOS will not be responsible for the failures, delays and/or inconveniences that may be produced in relations to the transference of balances.
ii. The responsibility and obligation of payment for the sending of text messages related to the purchase of XIMERIN will be responsibility of the titular of the mobile number used for that end, who cannot oppose the loss, theft, robbery, if said mobile device should be lost or damaged, except in case of complaint prior to sending or receiving these messages, filed to the mobile phone operator through the customer service centers they may have.
iii. The purchase possibility of XIMERIN in the prepaid mobile phone plans will be conditioned to the existing balance or credit in the line number of the User.
iv. The User acknowledges and accepts that the technical, commercial or economic modifications or variations communicated by the different mobile phone operators, as well as the modification of the regulations that may affect the payment services through SMS, will have immediate application and will not imply any responsibility for NGD STUDIOS.
k) Any fraudulent action related to the accumulation of XIMERIN or their exchange, will result in the loss of the accumulated XIMERIN, as well as the cancellation of the Account of the User at CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM.
l) The purchase of XIMERIN implies the knowledge and acceptance by the Users of all the terms determined in this Regulation and the Terms and Conditions of CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM.
9. Responsibilities, rights of management and control over the services and contents.
9.1 Reserved rights
NGD STUDIOS reserves all rights of control and management of CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM, in particular of the services, contents and communications within. In consequence, it may introduce the changes and modifications it may deem convenient at its sole discretion, it may add, alter, substitute or cancel any one of the services or contents at any moment.
Each user, or depending on the case, the parent or tutor, will be exclusively responsible for the manifestations or actions performed within the frame of CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM. However, when NGD STUDIOS receives a complaint that may indicate that a user may have any unjustified limitation of his/ her rights, it will take the required measure to avoid the continuation of said damaging situation immediately after the confirmation of the complaint.
9.2 Exclusion of guarantees and responsibility for the services and contents
The CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM services are offered only as entertainment. NGD STUDIOS does not assume responsibility for any consequence that may result directly or indirectly from any action or lack of action the User may undertake on the basis of the information, the services or other elements that appear in CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM. NGD STUDIOS EXCLUDES, WITH THE COMPLETE EXTENSION DETERMINED BY THE JUDICIAL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS, ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE DAMAGES OF ANY NATURE THAT MAY BE DUE TO THE TRANSMISSION, DISCLOSURE, STORAGE, AVAILABILITY, RECEPTION, OBTENTION OR ACCESS TO THE SERVICES AND CONTENTS EXISTING IN CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM.
9.3 Responsibilities related to the download of software client:
NGD STUDIOS does not give any guarantee on the software client downloaded from the website. NGD STUDIOS does not guarantee that the files downloaded from the site are free of errors, defects, and/or that the system executes efficiently in combinations of hardware, operative system and software different from the ones pointed out or which the user may select to use; and/or that they are fully functional, and/or that the files do not alter the system.
NGD STUDIOS is not responsible for the losses or damages suffered by the user that may be or are the result of the installation of the files downloaded from the site by the user including the loss or alteration of data.
The User accepts that he/she is the only responsible for: a) the configuration and requirements of the destination systems; b) the selection of the system, the software and hardware; c) the use of the system; d) the damage the use of the files downloaded from NGD STUDIOS may cause to the user or third parties; e) the indemnity of the information systems of the user that may have installed such files.
10. Use of the services and contents offered by CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM
The users must use the services existing in CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM in agreement with the dispositions determined in these General Terms and Conditions; with the ones that may arise from the regulations of each service in case it should exist; with the judicial regulations that rule CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM and to which they are submitted according to the place, the persons, or the corresponding matter, as a whole; and according to the conduct guidelines imposed by morals and good habits.
10.1 FORBIDDEN USE of services or contents in general
Any use of the services with the object to: contravene the rules and operation mode determined by NGD STUDIOS; harm the rights of third parties; contravene the judicial order and constitute an offensive practice; will be considered as FORBIDEN USE of the services or contents, if there is transgression of the final objective for which they are placed at the disposal of the users.
Any action listed herein will be considered FORBIDDEN USE:
• With the object to hamper the security or normal functioning of the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM or any third party information systems. Either by means of the use of traps, automation software (bots), hacks, non-authorized mods or any other third party software destined to modify the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM experience, or the use of any possible code error (bugs), including, without limitation, those that contribute to the prosperity of the user in a manner not anticipated by NGD STUDIOS (exploits).
• Take advantage of errors in the code or system in general and/or the resistance to inform them with the object to attain benefit thereby.
• Exploit the software or any of its parts with commercial objectives, including, without limitation to (a) to obtain the Premium game currency (Ximerin), elements or resources for sale outside the game, or (b) the realization of services in the game, for example, power – leveling, in exchange for a payment outside the game.
• Tends to modify or make others modify the files that form part of the software of the client or the server in any manner not expressly authorized by NGD STUDIOS.
• Facilitate, create or maintain any non authorized connection to CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM, including, without limitation (a) any connection to any server that emulates or intends to emulate CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM in a non authorized manner, and (b) any connection using programs or tools that are not expressly authorized by NGD Studios.
• Damages or contribute to the damage of any equipment used to lodge CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM (each one, a "server"), or affect the game experience of any other player.
10.2 CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM communication devices
The CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM communication devices (for example, message board, forums, in-game chat, community areas, clan pages) are services offered to the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM members. When using any of the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM communication devices the user accepts that they will be linked to the NGD STUDIOS Privacy Policy, as well as to this agreement. The user understands that everything sent through the NGD STUDIOS communication devices and everything stated therein is under the exclusive responsibility of the persons that send the messages. This means that the user, and not NGD STUDIOS, is entirely responsible for all the information and material that he/she has transmitted. NGD STUDIOS does not control the contents of the messages sent by the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM communication devices and does not guarantee the exactness, integrity and quality of something therein. The user understands that, when using the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM communication devices he/she may be exposed to offensive, indecent or objectable contents. NGD STUDIOS will not be responsible under any circumstances for errors or omissions in the messages sent or for any loss or damages of any kind incurred as result of the use of any information contained in the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM communication devices.
Among others, the following will be considered as FORBIDDEN USE: the presentation, disclosure and reproduction of information, expressions, messages, links to web pages, that:
• Result offensive for the personal rights of individuals, with special reference to the right to honor, dignity, intimacy, not being object of discriminatory treatment, health, image and free expression of ideas; with absolute independence of the legal body where said rights acquire acknowledgement.
• Attempt against minority and childhood rights.
• Infringe intellectual property rights of third parties.
• Have inappropriate contents.
• Transmit the idea of representing any person or institution, including, without limitation, a member of the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM team or administrator, guide or host or falsely declare or mislead his/her affiliation with a person or institution.
• Use a CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM communication device in a manner that negatively affects the availability of the resources for the users (for example, the excess of screams [the use of capital letters], flooding, continuous publication of repetitive text or excessively large embedded images;
• Introduce, instigate or promote criminal, illicit, dysfunctional or morally objectable actions, or constitute a violation of the intellectual property rights of third persons.
• Incorporate any form of advertising or commercial objective not allowed by NGD STUDIOS.
• With the object to collect information on third parties in order to send advertising or propaganda of any type or species, without being expressly requested.
• Promote activities or attitudes that are counterproductive for the objective of the game.
10.3 Control measures
Without prejudice of the legal actions filed by NGD STUDIOS or third parties, when the use of the services, performed by a user may be considered FORBIDDEN USE, NGD STUDIOS will take the measures it may consider convenient according to its exclusive criteria, including the suspension or prohibition of the access to the services or contents to those users included in the forbidden use thereof, and without requiring any prior communication whatsoever.
11. Dispositions on Intellectual Property
11.1 Ownership of the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM material
As general rule the ownership of all the material existing in CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM and in the website corresponds to NGD STUDIOS. All titles, intellectual property rights in and for CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM and the website and the contents they incorporate (including, without limitation, any title, computer code, themes, objects, characters, names, titles, trademarks, designations, stories, dialogues, phrases, places, concepts, artwork, inventories of the characters, structural or landscaping designs, animations, graphics, scenographies, sounds, musical compositions and audio recordings, visual effects, arguments, aspect of the characters, operation methods, the particular presentation form of these elements, and all related documentation) are property or license of NGD STUDIOS.
As information, it is to be known, that the intellectual property rights of NGD STUDIOS are internationally safeguarded under the protection of the Bern Convention; the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) on author rights, and other coincidental dispositions; the Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs); that as a compound ensure the international full force of the NGD STUDIOS rights.
11.2 License in favor of the users
The terms of the license with reference to the download, installation and use of the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM software client are specified in point 7.2 of this document. With respect to the contents and services included in the website, the users will have authorization to access and use of these elements, when the objectives of said use are those specifically foreseen in the site and in this document.
NGD STUDIOS reserves all rights on the mentioned material, does not assign or transfer in favor of the users any right on its own intellectual property or the intellectual property belonging to third parties. In consequence, the reproduction, exhibition, distribution and/or modification must be expressly authorized by NGD STUDIOS, which on the contrary, will be considered illegal activity in violation of the intellectual property rights of NGD STUDIOS.
11.3 Licensing of user rights in favor of NGD STUDIOS
The user awards NGD STUDIOS a non exclusive license on the contents, messages, or works he/she may incorporate to the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM website. The intellectual property ownership rights licensed by the user will comprise the use by NGD STUDIOS of the contents in any format or support and by any existing system, procedure or modality, known or not at this time, for the term the user continues being an active user of CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM, including the following rights:
a) The disclosure and publication, understanding thereby the right to make the contents or work accessible or placed at disposal of the public for the first time.
b) The public communication, understanding thereby all act that in any support or format and by any system or procedure whatsoever allows that a plurality of persons may have access to the contents fixed on CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM, demanding or not the payment of a price, or by means of any other free or conditional access system.
c) The secondary exploitations of any kind and the incorporation of the contents in the works, including those that have mainly advertising objectives.
12. Procedure in case of the realization of allegedly illegal activities
In case any User or the person that may have a legitimate interest should consider there exist facts or circumstances that reveal the illegal character of the use of any contents and/or the realization of any activity in the web pages included in or accessible through CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM, and, in particular, of the violation of intellectual or industrial property rights (patents, industrial models and designs, trademarks and commercial names, etc.) or other rights, must send a notice to NGD STUDIOS with the following information:
a) Personal data: name, address, telephone number and e-mail address of the claimant;
b) Specification of the supposed illegal activity performed in CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM and, in particular, in case of a supposed violation of the rights, precise and concrete indication of the protected contents as well as their localization;
c) Facts or circumstances that reveal the illegal character of said activity;
d) In the supposed violation of rights, the personal data of the owner of the supposedly infringed rights or of the person authorized to act in the name and on behalf thereof;
e) Express, clear declaration and under responsibility of the claimant that the forwarded information in the notice is exact and the illegal character of the use of the contents or the realization of the above described activities.
For the use of some of the Services, the Users must supply certain required personal data (hereinafter "Personal Data"). NGD STUDIOS will treat Personal Data by means of automatic methods, with the objectives as well as under the conditions defined in the Privacy Policy published by NGD STUDIOS. NGD STUDIOS has adopted the legally required personal data protection safety levels. However, the User must know that the safety measures in the Internet are in no case absolutely perfect.
14. Termination of the service
In principle, the CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM services have indefinite duration.
In any moment the User may cancel his/her registration in CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM, and eliminate his/her user account with all the data associated thereto. NGD STUDIOS will discard all data related to the User, will close his/her profile and eliminate all registration related thereto. However, as there is certain information or material that the User may have shared with other users, it is possible that some determined data and/or material and/or contents contributed by the User are maintained even when the User has cancelled his/her CHAMPIONS OF REGNUM account.
NGD STUDIOS may, however, at its sole discretion, temporarily suspend or definitely deactivate the account of a user, without any prior notice to him/her, and without need to invoke any cause, proceeding in said case to the elimination of all information related to the account.
15. Applicable legislation and jurisdiction
To all legal effects related to the services and contents offered or that may be offered in the site, the legislation in force in the Republic of Argentina will be applicable, and the ordinary justice with jurisdiction in the City of Buenos Aires will be competent.
© Estudio Jurídico Lexar for NGD STUDIOS S.A. all rights reserved, reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited.
REGNUM ONLINE – NGD Studios S.A. and NGD Studios AB
(Revised 18th May 2007)
YOUR USE OF OUR SERVICES AND WEB SITES IS SUBJECT TO YOUR AGREEMENT TO THE TERMS OF THIS PRIVACY POLICY. NGD Studios, S.A. and NGD Studios AB ("NGD") respects your privacy and is committed to protecting the personal information that you may provide while using our web sites and services. This Privacy Policy (the "Policy") is intended to provide you with notice of the following:
All content on the regnumonlinegame.com, regnumonline.com.ar domain associated domains and related domains (The game Regnum Online).
NGD complies with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act and all other applicable laws and regulations concerning children and the Internet.
Because our Sites are not directed to children under the age of 13, NGD does not provide memberships to persons under age 13. If you are under the age of 13, you may not create an account on the Site, you may not sign up for any subscription service or buy anything through the Store, and you are not eligible to enter any of our competitions. Except as may be required by law, NGD will not knowingly collect, maintain, or disclose any personal information from children under the age of 13.
If you are between the ages of 13 and 18, please let your parent or guardian know about this Policy and get his or her permission before you give us any of your personal identifiable information. Don't post your real name on a web site or message board, and never tell anyone online anything private about yourself or your family, including your phone number and address. Use screen names at all times. If you win a competition that has a prize, your parent or guardian will have to mail or fax us a signed note at the address or fax number listed in the rules for the specific contest that says it was OK for you to enter, and tells us they will accept the prize for you.
NGD encourages parents and guardians to spend time online with their children to become familiar with the types of content available on the Internet, including our online games. Parents and guardians should regularly oversee their children's use of e-mail and other online communications and transactional features. Control tools are available from online services and software manufacturers that can help provide a safe online environment for kids. If you are a parent or guardian who has discovered that your child has submitted his or her personal information without your permission or consent, NGD will take reasonable steps to remove that information from the NGD database at your request. To request removal of your child's information, please send us an e-mail (to the address below) and be sure to include in your message the same user name, password, and email address that your child submitted. If your child has used your credit card on our web sites without your permission, contact us immediately at support@ngdstudios.com.ar.
We do not collect any personal information from you, unless you provide it to us voluntarily. If you decide to provide us your personal information (e.g., name, email address, and mailing address), we will only collect the personal information which is needed to fulfill your requests and our legitimate business objectives.
In order for you to register, we require you to provide us with an email address, sometimes birth date, gender, and real name. In order to pay for a certain feature on our sites additional information, such as your real name and billing information, will be required. You may be asked to choose a user name and password. Please do not use your real name or the real name of another person when selecting a user name. Please note that your user name will be available to the Internet's general public while you participate in some services, like chat rooms or message boards. Personal information disclosed by you within our chat areas, instant message service, message boards, or during game play can be collected by other users of such services and may result in unsolicited messages. We are not responsible for protecting such information that you may disclose to third parties through our services (e.g. sending your telephone number to another user through the chat service). To the extent that you create a public profile that may be available to others on our sites and services, you are solely responsible for its content and accuracy at all times. To edit, change, or delete such information, follow the instructions on the web site.
You must have a membership account in order to receive emails from us. You can op out of receiving future emailing from us by following the directions contained in the email to "unsubscribe." Also, except in jurisdictions where it may be prohibited by law to do so, some NGD sites and Services may ask you to submit information about other people. For example, we may offer "Tell a Friend" promotions. In these situations, users are asked to provide the e-mail address and, sometimes, the name of a friend. After the "Tell a Friend" transaction is completed, that information is deleted.
To participate in some of our competitions, contests, tournaments, cups, and other promotions, you may be asked to provide additional personal information such as your mailing address. In each such case, no new personal information will be collected from you without your consent. This information may be collected by NGD or by third parties such as co-sponsors or vendors for the promotion. NGD's use of any such information will be governed by this Policy. The names of third parties such as co-sponsors (other than vendors hired by NGD to conduct, administer, and execute a promotion on behalf of NGD) will be disclosed to you when you are asked to sign up for the promotion. You should review such third parties' privacy policies to see how they may use any information that they collect.
When you buy credits to activate extra features in the games, we will also require that you provide us with the necessary billing information such as your real name, credit card information, street address, etc., so that we may provide the service. Issues related to customer service, billing questions, technical and computer support, etc. may also require you to provide us with some personal information so that we may resolve the issue properly.
When you play any of the games offered and/or served by NGD, or use any of the communication features on the Sites, your IP address (the Internet protocol address from which you access any of the above) may be stored in our records. Our update service routine may check your computer to see that you have the most recent version of game-specific files; when you communicate within any game or any other communication feature (e.g. live chat, instant message services), even "privately" to another person, you do so with the understanding that those communications go through our servers, can be logged and monitored by us, you have no expectation of privacy in any of those communications and, accordingly, you expressly consent to monitoring of communications (including technical support and customer service communications) that you send and receive. When you log into our online games, your system specifications (such as OS, web browser, java version, RAM, video card, monitor, system configuration, etc.) may be reviewed/recorded by us for the purposes of analyzing and optimizing your game experience and in order to provide you with customer service. Sometimes we may review/record an automatic log file created from the game. The log file contains information about your latest match played and some information about your system specifications such as processor, video card, system configuration, etc. We use these files to track down and find bugs in the game to be able to make the game better.
General, aggregated, demographic, and non-personal information may be collected by NGD. It will not be linked to any of your personal information, through cookies or other means, without your consent. This type of anonymous aggregated profiling and session data may include information that you have provided to us through surveys, polls, etc., but will not be tied to any personal information, without your consent. It may also include aggregated anonymous information about site usage and the customer base. In many cases, NGD will automatically collect certain non-personal information about your use of its sites and services. NGD might collect, among other things, information concerning the type of Internet browser or computer operating system you are using, the domain name of your Internet service provider, your "click path" through the NGD site, and the web site or advertisement that was linked to or from the NGD site when you visited. To do this, NGD may use cookies and other technology (see below). Your visits to our web sites, and information provided through these technologies, will be anonymous unless you provide us with personal information or have provided such information in the past. For example, if you've created a membership account, your account information (including name, email address, and billing and shipping information) may be linked to the items you purchased (i.e., billing history).
This game incorporates advertisement serving technology, which allows certain items, objects or images (e.g. advertisements) to be placed in the game via your PC, MAC or console. The technology collects information about the PC, MAC or console and the IP address on which the game is played and information on how the game is played, in particular regarding interactions with the advertisements served into the game and other items. This information is processed by a third party provider of advertisement serving technology for purposes of calculating fees owed by advertisers and monitoring advertisement efficiency. Your IP address and other information described above may be sent to a foreign jurisdiction for processing via the Internet. That third party provider will not know who you are or try to identify or contact you. By playing the game and accepting our rules and privacy policy you consent to data processing. In some jurisdictions, IP addresses may be viewed legally as personally identifiable information. You hereby acknowledge and agree to NGD collection and use of your IP address as non-Personal Information even though your ip address may be viewed legally as personally identifiable information. By the use of this game, you hereby consent to the temporary upload of the Placements to your PC; and the Non-Personal Information being collected and shared with third parties.
NGD web sites, and some services and advertisements on such sites, may contain "cookies." A cookie is a piece of data that is sent to your browser, which will store the cookie on your computer if your browser is enabled to accept cookies. Clear gifs (also known as "web beacons") assist in the delivery of cookies. NGD uses cookies, clear gifs, frames, server log analysis and other technology to customize your experience with our sites and services. Personal information collected through the use of these technologies will be handled according to this Policy. Most internet browsers will allow you to erase cookies from your computer hard drive, block acceptance of cookies, or receive a warning before a cookie is stored. You should refer to your browser instructions or "Help" screen to learn more about how to manage cookies. Please note, however, that if you block cookies, some portions of the NGD web sites and services may not function properly.
NGD does not control cookies in third party ads, and visitors are encouraged to check the privacy policies of advertisers and/or ad services to learn about their use of cookies and other technology. The ads appearing on our Web sites may be delivered to you by third-party advertising companies. These companies may use information about your visits to this and other web sites in order to provide advertisements on this site and other sites about goods and services that may be of interest to you.
Personal information which we collect for a particular purpose will only be saved and used for that purpose, unless you have agreed to allow us to use it for some other purpose, as described in this Policy. For example, if you make an online purchase, and unless you have given us permission to do otherwise, we will only collect and save the personal information you provided to us, including your billing and delivery information, in order to (1) complete the sale, (2) comply with tax and other applicable statutes, (3) maintain accurate business and financial records (in accordance with accepted standards), and (4) assist with customer service and returns.
When you have provided personal information to us for a particular purpose, we may disclose your information to other companies that we have engaged to assist us in fulfilling your request. This may include, but is not limited to, fulfillment houses, billing services, transaction managers, credit verification services, and other third party service providers. We may also disclose any of your personal information to law enforcement or other appropriate third parties in connection with criminal investigations, investigation of fraud, infringement of intellectual property rights, or other suspected illegal activities, or as otherwise may be required by applicable law, or, as we deem necessary in our sole discretion, in order to protect the legitimate legal and business interests of NGD. We may use the information we collect from you for the purpose of providing you with technical support, customer service, and account maintenance. We use the information we collect to learn what you like, tailor your experience accordingly, and to improve web sites and our other products. We send e-mail to our members who want to receive e-mail from us. However, if you don't want to receive e-mail from us, you can unsubscribe on the e-mail received.
Except as described in this policy, we will not give any of your personal information to any third party without your express approval, and the only personal information we will ask you if you want us to share with third parties is your name, your mailing address and e-mail address. We sometimes share general, demographic, or aggregated (not personal) information with third parties about our user base, but that information does not include any personal information. You will be deemed to have consented to the disclosure to, and use by, a subsequent owner or operator of the Sites, of any personal information contained in the NGD database for such site, if NGD or one of its companies assigns all of its rights and obligations regarding the use of your personal information at the time of a bankruptcy, merger, acquisition, sale of all or substantially all of NGD's or such NGD company's assets to a subsequent owner or operator, or similar event.
This Policy applies only to information collected online by NGD through web sites maintained by NGD and affiliated companies that NGD may own or control. From time to time, we may provide links to third party web sites. This Policy does not apply to third party web sites, whether we provide a link to such sites or not, so we encourage you to review the policies of all such sites carefully, as your rights will be governed by those third party policies and not by NGD's. Additionally, there may be unauthorized third party web sites that may be providing links from their sites to our web sites without our knowledge or control. We are not responsible for the content of any third party web sites, expressly disclaim any statements or assertions made on such web sites, and deny all liability associated with your use of, and the content on, such other sites or advertisements contained therein.
If you change your mind and do not want to receive e-mails from us you may send an e-mail to us at support@ngdstudios.com.ar. Subject to security and privacy concerns (e.g., regarding your password and credit card number), we will give you the ability to review, correct, delete, and/or update your information. To do so, you may send us an e-mail at support@ngdstudios.com.ar. If you choose to have your personal information removed from our active databases, we will do so within a reasonable time after your request and we will take reasonable steps to ensure that your personal data is not used (except as may be required by law) by NGD after your notification to us.
In addition to this Policy, your rights and obligations concerning our web sites, services, and online games are governed by the applicable web sites terms of use, and other applicable policies, rules, guidelines, and requirements. When you sign up to use our services, please review each such agreement carefully, as you must agree to be bound by each such agreement before you may use the service.
By consenting to this Policy, you confirm that your command and knowledge of English (or in some cases, Portuguese, French, German, or Spanish) is sufficient to understand the terms and conditions set forth herein. For persons in European Union countries, as used herein, terms such as "personal information" refer to "personal data" as defined by the Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data ("Directive"). We will not collect any personal data from you unless you provide it voluntarily by providing us with your freely given specific and informed consent. By using NGD websites or services, you agree that we may transfer your personal information outside the European Union in connection with the purposes stated in this Policy. Your personal data may be transferred outside EU (and/or other non-EU jurisdictions, as applicable).
In certain countries, some of our online games and the services related thereto, may be provided to you by third party distribution partners. To the extent that a third party distributor is providing services related to your account, you understand and agree that each such distributor will collect and use your personal information in accordance with its own privacy policies (which you will have access to when you register to play). To the extent that NGD collects or retains any of your personal information, its use will continue to be governed by the terms of this Policy.
While NGD takes precautions against possible breaches in its web sites and customer databases, no web site or Internet transmission is completely secure. Consequently, NGD cannot guarantee that unauthorized access, hacking, data loss, or other breaches will never occur. Your use of the NGD sites and services is at your own risk. NGD urges you to take steps to keep your personal information safe by memorizing your password or keeping it in a safe place (separate from your account information), logging out of your user account, and closing your web browser. Whenever you give NGD sensitive or confidential information (for example, credit card numbers for purchases), NGD will take commercially reasonable steps to protect the information by establishing a secure connection with your web browser. NGD employs a security technology to protect the transmission of payment information to the site. Unless otherwise specified herein or on the site where you make a purchase, credit card numbers are used only for payment processing and are not retained for marketing purposes.
NGD reserves the right to change this Policy at any time by notifying registered users via e-mail of the existence of a new Policy and/or posting the new Policy on the NGD sites. All changes to the Policy will be effective when posted, and your continued use of any NGD site or service after the posting will constitute your acceptance of, and agreement to be bound by, those changes.
(Revised 18th May 2007)
YOUR USE OF OUR SERVICES AND WEB SITES IS SUBJECT TO YOUR AGREEMENT TO THE TERMS OF THIS PRIVACY POLICY. NGD Studios, S.A. and NGD Studios AB ("NGD") respects your privacy and is committed to protecting the personal information that you may provide while using our web sites and services. This Privacy Policy (the "Policy") is intended to provide you with notice of the following:
All content on the regnumonlinegame.com, regnumonline.com.ar domain associated domains and related domains (The game Regnum Online).
NGD complies with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act and all other applicable laws and regulations concerning children and the Internet.
Because our Sites are not directed to children under the age of 13, NGD does not provide memberships to persons under age 13. If you are under the age of 13, you may not create an account on the Site, you may not sign up for any subscription service or buy anything through the Store, and you are not eligible to enter any of our competitions. Except as may be required by law, NGD will not knowingly collect, maintain, or disclose any personal information from children under the age of 13.
If you are between the ages of 13 and 18, please let your parent or guardian know about this Policy and get his or her permission before you give us any of your personal identifiable information. Don't post your real name on a web site or message board, and never tell anyone online anything private about yourself or your family, including your phone number and address. Use screen names at all times. If you win a competition that has a prize, your parent or guardian will have to mail or fax us a signed note at the address or fax number listed in the rules for the specific contest that says it was OK for you to enter, and tells us they will accept the prize for you.
NGD encourages parents and guardians to spend time online with their children to become familiar with the types of content available on the Internet, including our online games. Parents and guardians should regularly oversee their children's use of e-mail and other online communications and transactional features. Control tools are available from online services and software manufacturers that can help provide a safe online environment for kids. If you are a parent or guardian who has discovered that your child has submitted his or her personal information without your permission or consent, NGD will take reasonable steps to remove that information from the NGD database at your request. To request removal of your child's information, please send us an e-mail (to the address below) and be sure to include in your message the same user name, password, and email address that your child submitted. If your child has used your credit card on our web sites without your permission, contact us immediately at support@ngdstudios.com.ar.
We do not collect any personal information from you, unless you provide it to us voluntarily. If you decide to provide us your personal information (e.g., name, email address, and mailing address), we will only collect the personal information which is needed to fulfill your requests and our legitimate business objectives.
In order for you to register, we require you to provide us with an email address, sometimes birth date, gender, and real name. In order to pay for a certain feature on our sites additional information, such as your real name and billing information, will be required. You may be asked to choose a user name and password. Please do not use your real name or the real name of another person when selecting a user name. Please note that your user name will be available to the Internet's general public while you participate in some services, like chat rooms or message boards. Personal information disclosed by you within our chat areas, instant message service, message boards, or during game play can be collected by other users of such services and may result in unsolicited messages. We are not responsible for protecting such information that you may disclose to third parties through our services (e.g. sending your telephone number to another user through the chat service). To the extent that you create a public profile that may be available to others on our sites and services, you are solely responsible for its content and accuracy at all times. To edit, change, or delete such information, follow the instructions on the web site.
You must have a membership account in order to receive emails from us. You can op out of receiving future emailing from us by following the directions contained in the email to "unsubscribe." Also, except in jurisdictions where it may be prohibited by law to do so, some NGD sites and Services may ask you to submit information about other people. For example, we may offer "Tell a Friend" promotions. In these situations, users are asked to provide the e-mail address and, sometimes, the name of a friend. After the "Tell a Friend" transaction is completed, that information is deleted.
To participate in some of our competitions, contests, tournaments, cups, and other promotions, you may be asked to provide additional personal information such as your mailing address. In each such case, no new personal information will be collected from you without your consent. This information may be collected by NGD or by third parties such as co-sponsors or vendors for the promotion. NGD's use of any such information will be governed by this Policy. The names of third parties such as co-sponsors (other than vendors hired by NGD to conduct, administer, and execute a promotion on behalf of NGD) will be disclosed to you when you are asked to sign up for the promotion. You should review such third parties' privacy policies to see how they may use any information that they collect.
When you buy credits to activate extra features in the games, we will also require that you provide us with the necessary billing information such as your real name, credit card information, street address, etc., so that we may provide the service. Issues related to customer service, billing questions, technical and computer support, etc. may also require you to provide us with some personal information so that we may resolve the issue properly.
When you play any of the games offered and/or served by NGD, or use any of the communication features on the Sites, your IP address (the Internet protocol address from which you access any of the above) may be stored in our records. Our update service routine may check your computer to see that you have the most recent version of game-specific files; when you communicate within any game or any other communication feature (e.g. live chat, instant message services), even "privately" to another person, you do so with the understanding that those communications go through our servers, can be logged and monitored by us, you have no expectation of privacy in any of those communications and, accordingly, you expressly consent to monitoring of communications (including technical support and customer service communications) that you send and receive. When you log into our online games, your system specifications (such as OS, web browser, java version, RAM, video card, monitor, system configuration, etc.) may be reviewed/recorded by us for the purposes of analyzing and optimizing your game experience and in order to provide you with customer service. Sometimes we may review/record an automatic log file created from the game. The log file contains information about your latest match played and some information about your system specifications such as processor, video card, system configuration, etc. We use these files to track down and find bugs in the game to be able to make the game better.
General, aggregated, demographic, and non-personal information may be collected by NGD. It will not be linked to any of your personal information, through cookies or other means, without your consent. This type of anonymous aggregated profiling and session data may include information that you have provided to us through surveys, polls, etc., but will not be tied to any personal information, without your consent. It may also include aggregated anonymous information about site usage and the customer base. In many cases, NGD will automatically collect certain non-personal information about your use of its sites and services. NGD might collect, among other things, information concerning the type of Internet browser or computer operating system you are using, the domain name of your Internet service provider, your "click path" through the NGD site, and the web site or advertisement that was linked to or from the NGD site when you visited. To do this, NGD may use cookies and other technology (see below). Your visits to our web sites, and information provided through these technologies, will be anonymous unless you provide us with personal information or have provided such information in the past. For example, if you've created a membership account, your account information (including name, email address, and billing and shipping information) may be linked to the items you purchased (i.e., billing history).
This game incorporates advertisement serving technology, which allows certain items, objects or images (e.g. advertisements) to be placed in the game via your PC, MAC or console. The technology collects information about the PC, MAC or console and the IP address on which the game is played and information on how the game is played, in particular regarding interactions with the advertisements served into the game and other items. This information is processed by a third party provider of advertisement serving technology for purposes of calculating fees owed by advertisers and monitoring advertisement efficiency. Your IP address and other information described above may be sent to a foreign jurisdiction for processing via the Internet. That third party provider will not know who you are or try to identify or contact you. By playing the game and accepting our rules and privacy policy you consent to data processing. In some jurisdictions, IP addresses may be viewed legally as personally identifiable information. You hereby acknowledge and agree to NGD collection and use of your IP address as non-Personal Information even though your ip address may be viewed legally as personally identifiable information. By the use of this game, you hereby consent to the temporary upload of the Placements to your PC; and the Non-Personal Information being collected and shared with third parties.
NGD web sites, and some services and advertisements on such sites, may contain "cookies." A cookie is a piece of data that is sent to your browser, which will store the cookie on your computer if your browser is enabled to accept cookies. Clear gifs (also known as "web beacons") assist in the delivery of cookies. NGD uses cookies, clear gifs, frames, server log analysis and other technology to customize your experience with our sites and services. Personal information collected through the use of these technologies will be handled according to this Policy. Most internet browsers will allow you to erase cookies from your computer hard drive, block acceptance of cookies, or receive a warning before a cookie is stored. You should refer to your browser instructions or "Help" screen to learn more about how to manage cookies. Please note, however, that if you block cookies, some portions of the NGD web sites and services may not function properly.
NGD does not control cookies in third party ads, and visitors are encouraged to check the privacy policies of advertisers and/or ad services to learn about their use of cookies and other technology. The ads appearing on our Web sites may be delivered to you by third-party advertising companies. These companies may use information about your visits to this and other web sites in order to provide advertisements on this site and other sites about goods and services that may be of interest to you.
Personal information which we collect for a particular purpose will only be saved and used for that purpose, unless you have agreed to allow us to use it for some other purpose, as described in this Policy. For example, if you make an online purchase, and unless you have given us permission to do otherwise, we will only collect and save the personal information you provided to us, including your billing and delivery information, in order to (1) complete the sale, (2) comply with tax and other applicable statutes, (3) maintain accurate business and financial records (in accordance with accepted standards), and (4) assist with customer service and returns.
When you have provided personal information to us for a particular purpose, we may disclose your information to other companies that we have engaged to assist us in fulfilling your request. This may include, but is not limited to, fulfillment houses, billing services, transaction managers, credit verification services, and other third party service providers. We may also disclose any of your personal information to law enforcement or other appropriate third parties in connection with criminal investigations, investigation of fraud, infringement of intellectual property rights, or other suspected illegal activities, or as otherwise may be required by applicable law, or, as we deem necessary in our sole discretion, in order to protect the legitimate legal and business interests of NGD. We may use the information we collect from you for the purpose of providing you with technical support, customer service, and account maintenance. We use the information we collect to learn what you like, tailor your experience accordingly, and to improve web sites and our other products. We send e-mail to our members who want to receive e-mail from us. However, if you don't want to receive e-mail from us, you can unsubscribe on the e-mail received.
Except as described in this policy, we will not give any of your personal information to any third party without your express approval, and the only personal information we will ask you if you want us to share with third parties is your name, your mailing address and e-mail address. We sometimes share general, demographic, or aggregated (not personal) information with third parties about our user base, but that information does not include any personal information. You will be deemed to have consented to the disclosure to, and use by, a subsequent owner or operator of the Sites, of any personal information contained in the NGD database for such site, if NGD or one of its companies assigns all of its rights and obligations regarding the use of your personal information at the time of a bankruptcy, merger, acquisition, sale of all or substantially all of NGD's or such NGD company's assets to a subsequent owner or operator, or similar event.
This Policy applies only to information collected online by NGD through web sites maintained by NGD and affiliated companies that NGD may own or control. From time to time, we may provide links to third party web sites. This Policy does not apply to third party web sites, whether we provide a link to such sites or not, so we encourage you to review the policies of all such sites carefully, as your rights will be governed by those third party policies and not by NGD's. Additionally, there may be unauthorized third party web sites that may be providing links from their sites to our web sites without our knowledge or control. We are not responsible for the content of any third party web sites, expressly disclaim any statements or assertions made on such web sites, and deny all liability associated with your use of, and the content on, such other sites or advertisements contained therein.
If you change your mind and do not want to receive e-mails from us you may send an e-mail to us at support@ngdstudios.com.ar. Subject to security and privacy concerns (e.g., regarding your password and credit card number), we will give you the ability to review, correct, delete, and/or update your information. To do so, you may send us an e-mail at support@ngdstudios.com.ar. If you choose to have your personal information removed from our active databases, we will do so within a reasonable time after your request and we will take reasonable steps to ensure that your personal data is not used (except as may be required by law) by NGD after your notification to us.
In addition to this Policy, your rights and obligations concerning our web sites, services, and online games are governed by the applicable web sites terms of use, and other applicable policies, rules, guidelines, and requirements. When you sign up to use our services, please review each such agreement carefully, as you must agree to be bound by each such agreement before you may use the service.
By consenting to this Policy, you confirm that your command and knowledge of English (or in some cases, Portuguese, French, German, or Spanish) is sufficient to understand the terms and conditions set forth herein. For persons in European Union countries, as used herein, terms such as "personal information" refer to "personal data" as defined by the Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data ("Directive"). We will not collect any personal data from you unless you provide it voluntarily by providing us with your freely given specific and informed consent. By using NGD websites or services, you agree that we may transfer your personal information outside the European Union in connection with the purposes stated in this Policy. Your personal data may be transferred outside EU (and/or other non-EU jurisdictions, as applicable).
In certain countries, some of our online games and the services related thereto, may be provided to you by third party distribution partners. To the extent that a third party distributor is providing services related to your account, you understand and agree that each such distributor will collect and use your personal information in accordance with its own privacy policies (which you will have access to when you register to play). To the extent that NGD collects or retains any of your personal information, its use will continue to be governed by the terms of this Policy.
While NGD takes precautions against possible breaches in its web sites and customer databases, no web site or Internet transmission is completely secure. Consequently, NGD cannot guarantee that unauthorized access, hacking, data loss, or other breaches will never occur. Your use of the NGD sites and services is at your own risk. NGD urges you to take steps to keep your personal information safe by memorizing your password or keeping it in a safe place (separate from your account information), logging out of your user account, and closing your web browser. Whenever you give NGD sensitive or confidential information (for example, credit card numbers for purchases), NGD will take commercially reasonable steps to protect the information by establishing a secure connection with your web browser. NGD employs a security technology to protect the transmission of payment information to the site. Unless otherwise specified herein or on the site where you make a purchase, credit card numbers are used only for payment processing and are not retained for marketing purposes.
NGD reserves the right to change this Policy at any time by notifying registered users via e-mail of the existence of a new Policy and/or posting the new Policy on the NGD sites. All changes to the Policy will be effective when posted, and your continued use of any NGD site or service after the posting will constitute your acceptance of, and agreement to be bound by, those changes.